The Crab

DuschzusatzHere, it is about the assembly of the crab, a component of the shower-addition.

The measurements of the individual prefabricated parts of the crab are strongly dependent on the used run-beam, but also the implementation of the roles (for example the role-diameter) influences the design of the crab.

Two connection-strips were used as sides of the crab. The have a betrayed surface and measurements of 140×55×3 mm³. The hole-screen of the connection-strips agrees with the hole-distance of the two bed-box-roles, and the mounting of the roles in the sides is very much simple through it.

Following steps of the assembly of the crab serve the adaptation to the run-beam:
1. Mount the bed-crust-roles in the sides.
2. Mount the screw thread-pole (meter-ware) at one of the two sides with two nuts and two washers.
3. The second side of the screw thread-pole installs, also with two nuts and two washers.
4. Justify the distance that optimal
Run-qualities are produced, tightens afterwards.
5. Mark the separation-place.
6. With a hacksaw cut the other screw thread-poles on same length.
7. Unmount the screw thread-poles and the bed-box-roles.
8. Form the side partss to such an extent that the drillings of the underside overlap. Admitted, this operation is very much in the time of - and by virtue of-costly. It therefore suggests itself to introduce a solution more simply to be realized. Its advantage is that an adaptation to the hook-height of this possibly is lifting and storage equipment with the rope-length, and that the hook of the shower-addition slopes in the storage position and doesn't project. However, the reduced trick-area is disadvantageous, that however with lengths by 250 mm sufficient is.
9. Renew the mounting of the well-crust-roles in the side parts.
10. Mount the cut screw thread-poles in one of the side parts.
11. Mount the second side part in the open screw thread-poles.
12. Start the upper trick-screw into the pre-installed crab with washer.
13. Fix the underside with additional screws.
14. Mount the fifth screw thread-pole into the middle of the underside.
15. The screw fittings at the sides of the crab tighten.
16. Mount the hook in the upper trick-screw by means of the screw thread-husk and two nuts (to countering the screw thread-husk).
17. Insert the crab on the run-beam, do a run-test.

Here are some detail-representations:
Parts list of the entire Shower Addition
Schematic description of the rope variation of the crab
Picture gallery of the Shower Addition
Back to the Shower Addition
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