Lifting/Storage Equipment

EinrichtungThis equipment enables the hanging storage of the doll mainly. With the help of the winch, the doll also can lift or  sunk. For the suitability for the positioning, above all the winch contributes, that admits a grade-loose height-adjustment of the hook.

The main-measurements of the equipment are:

Total height: 1920 mm ≈6 ft, 3 ½ "
Total width: 925 mm ≈ 3 ft
Total depth: 500 mm ≈1 ft, 7 ½ "
Inner wideness: 692 mm ≈ 2 ft 3 "
Maximum hook-height: 1700 mm ≈5 ft 7 "

Three prefabricated parts essentially determine the main measures of the equipment:
1. The upper beam (800 mm or 2 ft, 7 ½ " long). The dimensioning is dependent on the spatial conditions. A beam-length of 1000 mm (≈ 3 ft, 4 ") is more optimal, the risk of a collision of the doll with side parts is essentially more inferior.
2. The two side-beams. Their dimensioning follows the size of the Doll as well as the height of the doorways of your apartment and is lent (with a wheel-diameter of 50 mm) to doorways of 1950 mm (≈ 6 ft, 4 ½ ").  With bigger doorways, it is better to choose roles with greater wheel-diameter because the rolling properties are improved in this case also with smaller obstacles.
3. The two foot-beams. Their length are 500 mm (≈1 ft, 7 ½ "). After previous experiences, this feet lenght is optimal, it offers stability sufficiently and doesn't stop the positioning of the doll on seat, and day bed-furniture.
The reason-material: It is about pine wood-beams, planed and a cross-section of 54×54 mm². They were varnished brightly with oak. The load capacity of the total-construction is 150 kg (330 lb).
The winch: It is a HADEF hand winch figure 199/75, load capacity 63 kg (135 lb). The special quality is that it can hold (important for the positioning of the doll) the load automatically at each place. This was equipped with steel-rope, whose length 4 m (13 ft) and his/its diameter is 3 mm (⅛ "). The clamp as well as 200 mm (8 ") turned into the protection of the hair of the Doll from the clamp upward with shrinking wear enclosed. Moving parts are avoided by it largely in immediate proximity of the head of the doll.
Side-corners (other term: brackets) were used, in welded implementation. As well, also  aluminum-pressure-casted side-corners can be used. These brackets make lifts and camp-equipment the main-contribution about the stability of this. Therefore, implementations out of punched steel-sheet metal are inappropriate. By using of other types of side-corners (brackets) also their fixing alters at the wood-parts for itself.

About the here presented lifting and storage equipment some detail-representations:
Parts list
Treatment-drawing upper beam
Treatment-drawing redirecting block
Treatment-drawing side parts for the winch
Picture gallery of the Lifting and storage equipment
To display the drawings the Adobe Reader needed.

Please pay attention: 1 " = 25.4 mm and 1 kg = 2.2046 lb
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