Doll carrying belt

DuschzusatzHow to transport a heavy doll from a place (for example: from the bed) to an another (among other things: a chair in the living room)? After all, a B3-F11-Doll has a weight of more than 50 kg (110 lb).

Whoever equipped his storage equipment with revolving roles simply has it. The Doll is hung into the equipment (RealDolls™ have a ring-screw for this purpose at the neck). If none or only flat thresholds exist, this way of the doll transports is the ideal one.

Differently it looks if there are bigger obstacles on the way between the two places. A tread to this is already enough. The difficulties are even bigger, if in this context dislock doors, open, close again and must be locked. Also nothing changes if a remote control unit is available for it.

Many doll lovers are carrying their doll with both hands. A way to carry a doll, to put a hand on the hip and to bring the other under the buttocks. Another to carry a doll like a bride. In each of these ways of carrying a doll, both hands are required. Therefore you doesn't have any hand freely to open doors or close.

Following parts are required for the production of the doll carrying belt:
1. An instep-belt with a length of 4,75 m (5 yards) and a loading capacity of 1750 N (statement: 175 daN, 380 lb). This has the advantage that already an belt-lock exists. A belt with a breadth of 25 mm (≈ 1 inch).
2. Two steel-rings (welded implementation) with an inner-diameter of at least 40 mm (≈ 1 ½ inches).
3. Another waistband in the length of approximately 0,8 m (≈ 31 inches).
4. Another belt-lock.
5. A matching cushion. It stabilizes the seat. There is no need to take it away during the transportation (in the own car).
6. A belt-cushion.

From the instep-belt (# 1), two pieces with a length are cut off from 1,2 m (4 ft). Since the tissue consists of Polyamide fibers, the interface can be secured against dissolution of the fiber-system with careful burning with the lighter.
Subsequent the two belt-pieces with an overlap of 7... 10 cm (3 ... 4 inches) will be sewn at the steel-rings.
Now, the cushion can be connected with the two belt-pieces. A fixation of the cushion with the two belts is to be advised.
Cut an another piece of the instep-belt (# 1) in a length of approximately 30 cm(≈ 1 ft). It's the piece with the prepared belt lock.
This belt-piece so at one of the steel-rings sews on that itself that belt lock lets itself serve from outside and the waistband will be perpetuated outside.
Now the remaining waistband (from #1) will be with the other steel-ring sutured. The overlap shall approximately 10 cm (4 inches) for the belt fixation and a strap with the width of the waistband (# 3). Another overlap of approximately 1,5 cm (≈ ¾ inch) extends to the protection of this strap.
An approximately 10 cm long piece of the waistband (# 1) is cut off to mount the additional belt lock andshall be  with the waistband (# 3) sutured. The mouth of the belt lock should be near the belt-end here.
For the other end of the waistband (# 3) one piece of the instep-belt (#1) cut a piece of the lenght of  approximately 40 cm (≈16 inches).
This piece approximately 10 ... 15 cm (4 ... 6 inches) of the other end of the belt (# 3) sews on. These, some extensive solution has the advantage that waistband (# 3) can be more broadly than the instep-belt (# 1), but its width with the procurement of the individual parts in the Shop no role plays.
Now, the fixation of the waistband (# 3) takes place. It takes place through sewing on the end with the belt lock at the belt-piece (# 1) with the other belt lock. Ideally the both belt lockes are near the driver (if the Doll should be transported in the own car).
Then move the other end of the belt (# 3) through the prepared strap.
Put in the belt-cushion into the long part of the instep-belt afterwards. Since the instep-belt (# 1)has a width of 25 mm, the carrying of the doll is more comfortable.

Now, nothing more hinders an load test with the doll.

Here are some detail illustrations:
Picture gallery of the doll carrying belt
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