Equipment Aids

Technik This chapter talks all around facilities here, about the storage, and about rise and sinking of the Doll, her positioning for photos or also only for a beautiful sight . . .

Here it is introduced for different purposes for the handling of your Doll of suitable appliances, but the here presented facilities are described shortly, partially appended with parts-lists, technical drawings and photos. But: It will be no elaborate construction-instructions, because as also the Dolls differ of each other, so the spatial conditions differ, under which they live together with you. One will have to fit these conditions for each Aid and every technical equipment, and every adaptation will be an other; it must defined-become new every time which is valid as optimum.

May be, it's helpful which is represented as possible variation in this in these sides and the one or the other will use one of the discussed optimal-variation and will do his experiences independently. Add on top of this that already often is used existing which leads that will differ strongly also the provision of these appliances.


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